

2972 Westheimer Rd. Santa Ana, Illinois 85486
(084) 123 - 456 88
Club Hours
5am - 8pm
5am - 8pm
5am - 8pm
5am - 8pm
5:30am - 8pm
7am - 7pm
7am - 7:30pm

club info

Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua dolor do amet sint. Velit officia consequat duis enim velit mollit. Exercitation veniam consequat sunt nostrud amet.
Club Fitness personal training provides access to state-of-the-art facilities, the latest recovery methods and technology, and a structured, results-driven approach to training that is customized for each client. Work out on your schedule with a customized plan that helps you build the right form, confidence, and motivation to continue your fitness journey.
Nulla Lorem mollit cupidatat irure. Laborum magna nulla duis ullamco cillum dolor. Voluptate exercitation incididunt aliquip deserunt reprehenderit elit laborum.


6:00 am
Hot Yoga
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team8 John Pena
7:00 am
Grit Strength
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
30 mins team5 Emma Williams
9:00 am
Flexible Strength
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team2 Kevin Barnhart
11:00 am
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
35 mins team4 Deacon Owens
3:00 pm
Advanced Step
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team2 Kevin Barnhart
4:00 pm
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
25 mins team6 Ron Kross
5:00 pm
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
45 mins team5 Emma Williams
6:00 am
Zumba Athletic
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
90 mins team1 Rory Webster
7:00 am
Awesome Abs
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
35 mins team5 Emma Williams
10:00 am
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team2 Kevin Barnhart
3:00 pm
Hot Power Yoga
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
90 mins team8 John Pena
5:00 pm
Zumba Athletic
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
90 mins team1 Rory Webster
6:00 pm
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
25 mins team6 Ron Kross
6:00 am
Hot Yoga
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team8 John Pena
7:00 am
Grit Strength
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
30 mins team5 Emma Williams
9:00 am
Ballet Fitness
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team7 Devon Lane
11:00 am
New Body
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
90 mins team5 Emma Williams
2:00 pm
Zumba Athletic
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
90 mins team1 Rory Webster
4:00 pm
Advanced Step
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team2 Kevin Barnhart
6:00 pm
Flexible Strength
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team2 Kevin Barnhart
7:00 pm
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
45 mins team5 Emma Williams
6:00 am
Zumba Athletic
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
90 mins team1 Rory Webster
8:00 am
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
35 mins team7 Devon Lane
9:00 am
Ballet Fitness
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team7 Devon Lane
10:00 am
Hot Power Yoga
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
90 mins team8 John Pena
2:00 pm
Awesome Abs
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
35 mins team5 Emma Williams
3:00 pm
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
45 mins team5 Emma Williams
6:00 pm
Hot Yoga
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team8 John Pena
6:00 am
New Body
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
90 mins team5 Emma Williams
7:00 am
Grit Strength
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
30 mins team5 Emma Williams
9:00 am
Hot Power Yoga
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
90 mins team1 Rory Webster
11:00 am
Ballet Fitness
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team7 Devon Lane
6:00 am
Hot Yoga
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team8 John Pena
7:00 am
Zumba Athletic
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
90 mins team1 Rory Webster
9:00 am
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
45 mins team5 Emma Williams
11:00 am
Grit Strength
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
30 mins team5 Emma Williams
6:00 am
Hot Yoga
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team8 John Pena
7:00 am
Zumba Athletic
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
90 mins team1 Rory Webster
9:00 am
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team2 Kevin Barnhart
11:00 am
Flexible Strength
A mix of cardio, resistance, and core to provide a total body aerobic and strength conditioning workout.
60 mins team2 Kevin Barnhart